Hi! I'm Shannon.
In my life there have been more than a handful of times when God has covered me with His immeasurable grace. During these times in my life, I hardly think that I deserved God's grace and forgiveness. I have made choices in my life that bring me shame. I have made choices in my life that have hurt others. I have made choices in my life that went against my very faith. Yet, God covers me with his immeasurable grace. His grace is endless and amazing. He calls me back to his loving arms each and every time regardless of the sins I have committed. Trust me, my sins fall into the "forbidden sins" category.
I had made a choice in my life several years ago that shook my faith and marriage to its very core. I made the choice to share my dreams with another man. I made the choice to share my heart and emotions with another man. I made a choice to defile my marriage bed. I had convinced myself that I was in love. I made myself believe that I was doing nothing wrong because I deserved attention, passionate love, and someone who was emotionally available for me. I made a choice that affected my marriage, my family, my friends, and most importantly my walk with Christ.
God has covered my sins with His immeasurable grace. God still loves me despite of my past. He died on the cross for all the sins of the world. He has laid it upon my heart to share my story with you. Most importantly, God has laid it on my heart to share about his love and his grace. My marriage would not be what is is today without the hand of God. God helped my husband and I to rebuild and repair our marriage. We have trust. We have faith. We have love. We have passion. We have God.
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